miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020



Continuem treballant els diferents skills i ara toca treballar la comprensió auditiva i l’ expressió escrita. Per tal de treballar els dos skills us deixo l’ enllaç al vídeo. Recordeu que podreu veure el vídeo tantes vegades com necessiteu per tal de contestar el qüestionari que us deixo sota l’ enllaç del vídeo.

El vídeo és “Canadian Sports” espero que us agradi. 


Answer the qüestions. Remember complete answers are not necessary:

1.- What 2 sports are mentioned in the video?
2.- Answer true or false: Ice hockey is only played in the United States.
3.-What is the name of the ice hockey team mentioned at the beginning of the video?
4.- Mention where the ice hockey leagues are played:
5.- Answer true or false: Ice hockey is popular because the rules are simple.
6.- How many players are there on each team?
7.- What is the aim of the game?
8.- What is the name of the place where ice hockey is played?
9.- What 2 things are really important in ice hockey?
10.- Name the second sport which is also important in Canada:
11.- How many players are there in each team?
12.- What is the purpose of this sport?
13.- How is it called when a player hits the ball and manages to run around all four bases of the field?
14.- Where is baseball extremely popular?
15.- Mention the name of one of the stadiums (one of the most important ones) that you have watched while watching this final part of the video:
16.- When was baseball first played in Canada?
17.- Why is 1992 so important there?

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